The Language of Accessible Tourism - socio-cultural, linguistic andtranslational perspectives in the promotion of Tourism for All

“The Language of Accessible Tourism - socio-cultural, linguistic and translational perspectives in the promotion of Tourism for All” is a research project funded by the Fondazione di Sardegna, within the call “Bando competitivo Fondazione di Sardegna – 2016 per progetti di ricerca con revisione tra pari” (project coordinator: Dott.ssa Stefania Gandin).


The project wants to identify and assess the features of accessible tourism promotional discourse through multiple socio-cultural and linguistic perspectives, in order to:

  • allow a better understanding of the deep cognitive and socio-cultural implications hidden under the phenomenon of accessible tourism;
  • identify and analyse the linguistic features characterising the promotion of accessible tourism, also in a translational perspective (ENG-ITA-ENG);
  • suggest new linguistic and translational styles to improve the promotion of accessible tourism materials, including their structural layout and, consequently, their degree of accessibility/readability;
  • organise networks of research and cooperation with specialised national and international tour-operators and associations working in the field of accessible tourism;
  • create specialised resources, academic publications and glossaries of terms relating to accessible tourism services and facilities, addressed to specialists of the sector and tourists.
The research is currently carrying out a survey on the perception of accessible tourism promotion in a linguistic and socio-cultural perspective.
The questionnaire is available in English and Italian and will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.
If you want to contribute to this research project, you can complete the survey at the following links:
The results of this questionnaire will contribute to develop a series of parameters aimed at improving the communicative features characterising accessible tourism discourse and promotion.

For further information, please contact the project coordinator:

Dott.ssa Stefania Gandin

Dipartimento di Storia, scienze dell’Uomo e della Formazione

Via Zanfarino, 62


Tel: + 39 079229652
