The Language of Accessible Tourism - socio-cultural, linguistic andtranslational perspectives in the promotion of Tourism for All
“The Language of Accessible Tourism - socio-cultural, linguistic and translational perspectives in the promotion of Tourism for All” is a research project funded by the Fondazione di Sardegna, within the call “Bando competitivo Fondazione di Sardegna – 2016 per progetti di ricerca con revisione tra pari” (project coordinator: Dott.ssa Stefania Gandin).
The project wants to identify and assess the features of accessible tourism promotional discourse through multiple socio-cultural and linguistic perspectives, in order to:
- allow a better understanding of the deep cognitive and socio-cultural implications hidden under the phenomenon of accessible tourism;
- identify and analyse the linguistic features characterising the promotion of accessible tourism, also in a translational perspective (ENG-ITA-ENG);
- suggest new linguistic and translational styles to improve the promotion of accessible tourism materials, including their structural layout and, consequently, their degree of accessibility/readability;
- organise networks of research and cooperation with specialised national and international tour-operators and associations working in the field of accessible tourism;
- create specialised resources, academic publications and glossaries of terms relating to accessible tourism services and facilities, addressed to specialists of the sector and tourists.
For further information, please contact the project coordinator:
Dott.ssa Stefania Gandin
Dipartimento di Storia, scienze dell’Uomo e della Formazione
Via Zanfarino, 62
Tel: + 39 079229652