Social Observatory on Development and Crime in Sardinia (OSCRIM)

The Social Observatory on Development and Crime in Sardinia (OSCRIM), directed by Professor Antonietta Mazzette, documents the evolution of the various forms of crime in Sardinia through the analysis of violent crimes.

Its main aims are: 

  • daily monitoring of crimes reported in the local press (La Nuova Sardegna, Unione Sarda);
  • the Istat data analysis on crime statistics and regional criminality levels with the final aim of comparing all the international, national, regional and provincial data;
  • the analysis of policy measures taken in order to combat crime;
  • the setting of new standards for detection which meet the information requirements by local institutions (the Questorship, the Prosecutor’s Office, local authorities, etc.), in order to obtain information to organise crime prevention/repression interventions. 

Research reports are periodically available in both paper and digital form. 

Under the coordination and supervision of Professor Romina Deriu, OSCRIM also studies and analyses the local development dynamics both from a socio-economic as well as a socio-educational point of view, following a local, national and international perspective. The analysis of the development processes is considered to be useful also in order to build the interrelationships between social phenomena, cultural elements and the environment, all aspects that influence the emergence of crime in Sardinia. 

Dynamics and trends of drug dealing: a local labour system perspective



Dynamics and trends of drug dealing: a local labour system perspective, the new working paper edited by Manuela Pulina and Alessandro Salis, published by MUNI ECON.

Here’s to read the paper.




All the latest National and European official reports describe a strongly growing narcotics market, which has not showed signs of stopping, not even during the Covid-19 health emergency outbreak. This growth has also been detected by the Social Observatory on Development and Crime in Sardinia (OSCRIM) of the University of Sassari, which has constantly been monitoring the ongoing trend in the island territory in the last two decades and that has been leading the multidisciplinary team of researchers to study the dynamics of the narcotics production, trafficking and dealing universe.

The latest volume “Happiness is no longer here. Drug trafficking in Sardinia” (edited by Professor Antonietta Mazzette) completes this long journey of research and serves as a starting point for the OSCRIM in the seminar “Is the narcotics market in Sardinia an emergency? To know, to control and to communicate”, hosted by the University of Sassari on the 9th of May at 16.00 pm at the Aula Magna of the university. The main purpose of the seminar is to create an opportunity for discussion with academics and experts on the topics of the drug emergency prevention, control, and communication.

The seminar will start with an introduction by the scientific coordinator of the Observatory Professor Antonietta Mazzette, followed by the institutional greetings.

The journalist Giacomo Mameli will coordinate the meeting with speeches from the Director of the Degree Course in Public Communication and Information Professions Camillo Tidore, the President of the Association of Journalists Francesco Birocchi, the Sociologist of the University of Cagliari Carlo Colloca, the Deputy Public Prosecutor of Cagliari Gilberto Ganassi, and Daniela Scano, journalist from “La Nuova Sardegna”.

The authors of the volume and members of the OSCRIM research team, Giampiero BrancaRomina Deriu, Domenica Dettori, Daniele Pulino and Sara Spanu, will also participate in the following speeches.

The director Sante Maurizi will be reading passages about life stories from the book.

The initiative is among the events of the ‘Maggio della Comunicazione’, organised by the Public Communication and Information Professions Degree Course of the History, Human Sciences and Education Department of the University of Sassari. Students of the L-20 course will be recognized with 1 CFU for the attendance of the seminar. The event is accredited by the Order of Journalists of Sardinia and the Bar Association of Sassari.

Here’s to watch the event on the unisstube channel

Here’s to watch Videolina report

NEW BOOK: Happiness is no longer here. Drug trafficking in Sardinia



How does one become a drug dealer? Who are they? How do their actions affect the places, societies and the economy in Sardinia? Are the policies to combat the phenomenon truly effective?

These and more are all the questions at the base of the latest work by the OSCRIM, focused on both the collection and the systematisation of drug dealing statistics in the Sardinian territory within the timeframe 2017/2022, and also on the interviews of the healthcare professionals, public security officers, and representatives of the neighbourhood committees, namely all those professionals who deal with the negative effects of drug dealing on a daily basis.

Click here for more information on the latest volume in the Research and Publication section.

Here’s some articles on the topic: 

The criminal combination in Sardinia. The encounter between local crime and mafia organizations


In her Master’s thesis Sofia Cheratzu, graduate of the University of Sassari, investigates the relationship between local crime and mafia organizations, by means of employing the OSCRIM studies as institutional sources in order to “trace the dynamics of Sardinian crime”.

Amongst the various topics present, there are some questions arising, such as whether there are any “elements of discontinuation”, what is the “overall structure that local criminal organizations assume nowadays” in order to “assess if the ‘Sardinian immunity’ theory can still be considered valid in regard to infiltrations and mafia-like attitudes”.

Here’s to read an excerpt from the thesis.

The leap of Sardinian crime


Professor Antonietta Mazzette investigates the ongoing changes in Sardinian crime in an article published by La Nuova Sardegna newspaper. Reports referred to the recent conference promoted by prefect of Nuoro.

The focus of the reports is the alarm on the risk of mafia infiltration in the Sardinian territory regarding the drug market.

Starting from this concept, I intend to offer different points of reflection on the changes in Sardinian crime, based on data in our possession and referring you to the last three volumes dedicated to island’s drug market edited by the Social Observatory on Development and Crime in Sardinia (OSCRIM) of the University of Sassari.

Here’s to read the full article

The OSCRIM interview on Rai Radio 3



The “(In)sicurezze” episode of Zazà - Meridione cultura società radio program on Rai Radio 3 addressed the data published by the Sole 24ore newspaper on the Italian Regions’ crime and security. Sara Spanu provided insights on the latest trends currently characterising Sardinian crime.

Click here to listen to the interview

The OSCRIM at the Eurocrim2023


The OSCRIM participated at the 23° European Society of Criminology (ESC) International Congress, “The Renaissance of European Criminology”, which took place in Florence from the 6th to the 9th of September 2023. Here are the two speeches selected and presented at the congress by the OSCRIM:

Drug market in Sardinia: criminal roles and networks (A. Mazzette, D. Pulino, S. Spanu)

A legal judgments perspective on illegal drugs (M. Pulina, A. Bussu, D. Dettori, M. G. Ladu)


In Youth We Trust

The OSCRIM is a partner of the ‘In Youth we trust’ project funded by the PNRR Agency for Territorial Cohesion, which aims to create a system of services in order to contrast educational poverty and to promote social inclusion of the under-age children and their families. This method is primarily based on the involvement of the social actors, on the continuity and in taking charge of the beneficiaries by a multidisciplinary team with the purpose of ensuring a more formative and social impact.

The OSCRIM coordinates the ‘Laboratories of Legality’ in the Latte Dolce and Santa Maria di Pisa secondary schools with the aim of spreading a greater knowledge and awareness in youth of criminal phenomena related to violence and drug trafficking, their importance and effects in terms of legality, compliance with the rules and coexistence. 


The project’s activities concern the promotion of the culture of legality, operational strategies to combat the drop-out and early school leaving issue and actions against cyberbullying among minors between 11 and 17 years old. 

Other participants are: Impresa Sociale Nuovi Scenari (proposing subject); Margherita di Castelvì Hish School (Sassari); Giffoni Innovation Hub; Drone Experience; Giffoni for kids; “Farina - San Giuseppe” Comprehensive School (Sassari); “La botte e il cilindro” Theater Company (Sassari); “Sapere Aude” Social Cooperative (Sassari); the Cagliar Juvenile Justice Centre (Sassari branch offices); Councillorship to “Servizi sociali e Politiche della casa” of the municipality of Sassari.




The students and the Professors of the Public Communication and Information Professions Degree Course L-20 recommend some readings on the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Here’s to listen to the podcast

Created by Radio Studi L20


mercato droghe

What is the impact of the drugs market on the development of Sardinia? This is the question around which the Social Observatory on the Development and Crime in Sardinia (OSCRIM) aims to initiate a public discussion on the 16th of November at 16.00 in the Aula Magna of the University of Sassari, starting from the latest book published by the OSCRIM, “L’Isola sotterranea. Tra violenza e narcomercato” (FrancoAngeli 2022)

The volume focuses on violent criminal phenomena and the drugs market by identifying the overlapping of legal and illegal markets typical of some criminal groups operating in Sardinian territory. 

The curator of the book, Antonietta Mazzette, along with Manuela Pulina, representative of the OSCRIM economic area, will introduce the various participants’ speeches the Sassari Public Prosecutor Gianni Caria, the Coordinator of Tavolo Parti Sociali Nord Ovest Sardegna Pierluigi Ledda, jurist and President of the Special Anti-Corruption Commission of the Chamber of Deputies in the XIII Legislature Giovanni Meloni, the Minister of the Interior and President of the Bicameral Anti-Mafia Commission in the XVI Legislature Giuseppe Pisanu, and Stefano Rebechesu, Provincial Commander of the Guardia di Finanza of Sassari.

The seminar will be preceded by a debate on how to study crime with a comparison between the OSCRIM research team (Giampiero Branca, Daniele Pulino, Sara Spanu, Camillo Tidore) and Anna Maria Zaccaria and Stefano D’Alfonso, prominent members of the Mafias and Corruption Laboratory (Laboratorio su Mafie e Corruzione, LIRMaC) from the University of Naples Federico II, research centre which studies and track organised criminal phenomena in the Campania region. 


The event is a part of the “Settimana della Sociologia” national initiatives and will be coordinated by the journalist and writer Giacomo Mameli. 

Beginning with the institutional greetings of Gavino Mariotti, Magnifico Rettore of the University of Sassari, the president of the Public Communication and Information Professions Degree Course Romina Deriu, and Giuseppe Conti, President of the Council of the Bar Association of Sassari.

The attendance of the seminar students of the Public Communication and Information Professions Degree Course (L20)  will receive 1 CFU and 3 CFU on criminal law subjects by the Council of the Bar Association of Sassari.

Download the flyer of the event here

Oscrim is funded and supported by


The Social Observatory on Development and Crime in Sardinia (OSCRIM) website has been translated by Silvia Rizzi